What is a spell and why do people use/cast them?
Depending on who you talk to you will get a variety of answers to this question.
To me casting a spell is the focusing of the mind, body, and spirit on a desired goal and putting that desire out to the Universe (or whatever title you prefer here). There are many ways this can be achieved, like meditation combined with crystals or stone, incense and/or oils, simple rhymes or chants, maybe even sung through a song or the music you listen to. It can be a huge elaborate ritual, or a quick simple mind refocusing tool to keep yourself on track. It is a way to get in tune with your inner you and send forth your desires in the clearest form you can to conjure the energies that surround and encompass us to meet a particular goal or set of goals.
There are many reasons to cast spells. You can cast spells to heal yourself, or your loved ones, from illness, or heart ache. You can cast spells to call you beloved pets back home when they have wandered to far. You can cast a spell to promote good luck, protection, inspiration and really just about anything under the sun (or moon for that matter). Perhaps you wish to shield yourself from unwanted energies or attention, there are spells for that too. Imagination is really the limit here. Enchanting items is not just an awesome video game trait.
"How will I know if my spell worked?" I have been asked many a time, and the answer is simple, you will know.
A long long time ago I started going through some pretty major shifts in my life that left me frazzled and a touch lonely. Somewhere in my loneliness I decided I was going to cast a spell to put it out to the cosmos that I didn't want to be lonely anymore. That I was ready for my soul mate to come and find me. Sure enough it wasn't but a few months after casting the spell, that the love of my life walked into my life and here he has been ever since. It's been 19 years with this man, and I'm still as happy as I was the first day we got together. I still get excited butterflies when he kisses me. (Yes this spell will be included in my collection here...lol)
At another point in my life I was needing to find work, and quickly. In a time when there were many people out looking for jobs, and few jobs to be found. I gathered my tools up, cast a quick and simple spell and continued my job searching. Within a week I had gotten a job at one of the places I'd applied the same day I had cast the spell.
These are just a couple examples from my experiences.
It's important to note here too that just casting a spell isn't enough in some cases. Sometimes you have to make sure that you match the frequency that you are sending forth. As in, if you're looking for work, you will have to go put in those applications and resumes. In this case, this is just a way of giving yourself a boost. If you are casting to find your perfect mate, make sure that you are the best you as well. The spell is the spirit, you still need to make sure that your body and mind are speaking the same language as what you're asking for with your spirit.
In this section I will be adding a collection of spells that I have had shared with me over the years.
To me casting a spell is the focusing of the mind, body, and spirit on a desired goal and putting that desire out to the Universe (or whatever title you prefer here). There are many ways this can be achieved, like meditation combined with crystals or stone, incense and/or oils, simple rhymes or chants, maybe even sung through a song or the music you listen to. It can be a huge elaborate ritual, or a quick simple mind refocusing tool to keep yourself on track. It is a way to get in tune with your inner you and send forth your desires in the clearest form you can to conjure the energies that surround and encompass us to meet a particular goal or set of goals.
There are many reasons to cast spells. You can cast spells to heal yourself, or your loved ones, from illness, or heart ache. You can cast spells to call you beloved pets back home when they have wandered to far. You can cast a spell to promote good luck, protection, inspiration and really just about anything under the sun (or moon for that matter). Perhaps you wish to shield yourself from unwanted energies or attention, there are spells for that too. Imagination is really the limit here. Enchanting items is not just an awesome video game trait.
"How will I know if my spell worked?" I have been asked many a time, and the answer is simple, you will know.
A long long time ago I started going through some pretty major shifts in my life that left me frazzled and a touch lonely. Somewhere in my loneliness I decided I was going to cast a spell to put it out to the cosmos that I didn't want to be lonely anymore. That I was ready for my soul mate to come and find me. Sure enough it wasn't but a few months after casting the spell, that the love of my life walked into my life and here he has been ever since. It's been 19 years with this man, and I'm still as happy as I was the first day we got together. I still get excited butterflies when he kisses me. (Yes this spell will be included in my collection here...lol)
At another point in my life I was needing to find work, and quickly. In a time when there were many people out looking for jobs, and few jobs to be found. I gathered my tools up, cast a quick and simple spell and continued my job searching. Within a week I had gotten a job at one of the places I'd applied the same day I had cast the spell.
These are just a couple examples from my experiences.
It's important to note here too that just casting a spell isn't enough in some cases. Sometimes you have to make sure that you match the frequency that you are sending forth. As in, if you're looking for work, you will have to go put in those applications and resumes. In this case, this is just a way of giving yourself a boost. If you are casting to find your perfect mate, make sure that you are the best you as well. The spell is the spirit, you still need to make sure that your body and mind are speaking the same language as what you're asking for with your spirit.
In this section I will be adding a collection of spells that I have had shared with me over the years.
Grounding and Healing