The collection that follows is a combination of things I have found in my wanderings across the internet and on the occasional astral trip. This list will be updated as more information presents itself to me. I hope you enjoy and find what you seek. »-(¯`♥´¯)-» ♥
Antelope - Pronghorn
Heightened psychic ability, may need to insulate ourself or come out of hiding, adaptability with strong survival skills, strong sense of smell, new opportunities can be seen, teaches how to overcome obstacles with a swift and gentle nature. Antelope teaches listening to intuition. Are you adapting like you should? Taking chances or afraid of failing? Are you listening to your instincts? Antelope can teach you strength and courage in all areas.
Teaches protection and how to use it, sensitivity to others attacks either real or imagined, demonstrates boundaries and respecting the boundaries of others, learn to trust what you feel with others, new birth coming -shows how to deal with it. Teaches how to use defenses when needed. Is it time to hide away to collect thoughts or come out and present your thoughts and abilities? Are you letting your guard down too often? Armadillo can show you how to protect your personal space.
Ass - Donkey
Ass or Donkey can teach much about patience and humility. They have wisdom and teaches when to use it with timing. Ass' aids in realizing outer recognition of inner potentials and the strength that comes from internal fortitude. He can aid in showing one how to move with the flow and allow Spirit to work and/or trusting your strengths. It is a time to not be content and complacent while you enjoy the road to the goal. Are you working too hard and not being productive? Are you following your intuition in what you "should do". Is stubbornness hindering you mentally, emotionally and spiritually? Ass will teach you how to listen to your head and heart.
Keeper of stories, write things down, sees beneath the surface of all things and people, including herbs and roots, self-expression and knowledge when to act and react, teaches how to ground and connect with the earth, chances to develop self expression, reliance along with persistence and perseverance, shows how to navigate the new chapter in your life. Are you being aggressive and fighting for what you want or need? Are you expressing feelings?
Initiation, death-rebirth, changes are taking place which are blessings, facing facts in ones life, fears are always beneficial, trust instincts. Bat tells us it the end one phase of life and the beginning of another. Bat can show how to navigate in the dark and unknown. Soon you will see the world with a new perspective, teaches sensitivity to vibrations around you, navigation, introspection and demonstrates ability of observation and power of meditation and solitude along with ability of working in groups when necessary. Bat shows how to make those important transitions.
Sub/Unconscious mind, strength, grounding, inner energy of soul to find answers, judgments, are you too critical or not critical enough, inner power to taste the honey of life. Bear teaches caution, quiet of the mind and silence within. There is great power in introspection which awakens insights and opportunities. Bears teaches leadership, natural healing abilities and defending when necessary. Are you eating a balanced diet? Utilizing your intuition? Being cautious? Brown, black or white, what does the color say to you? Bear will show how to balance and express oneself. (See also Polar Bear)
Bison - Buffalo
Abundance, incorporates our own efforts to embrace and hold life, burdens and rewards are carried, keep self well grounded, follow the easiest path, don't use force in areas of life, flow with it. Teaches creativity, courage, sacred knowledge, sharing with a sense of community, survival strategies, teaches how to challenge with forthrightness and grace. A time to honor your path and ask for assistance from Spirit. Buffalo teaches abundance and strength of character along with harmony and expression of gratitude and honor for all creatures. Do you have gratitude? Strength? Surviving with courage?
Boar teaches spiritual strength, protection and the mysteries of nature. Aids in getting organized and solidifying changes. Shows self-reliance, independence and fearlessness in trials and tribulations, enduring and strong, boar shows how to protect your efforts. Are you too scattered in thoughts and actions? Do you need to stand up for your beliefs and opinions? Are you using your intuition throughout the day? Boar can teach power and respect in the balance of complacency and activity.
Bobcat teaches that there is a time for solitude, learning to be alone but not lonely and a time for social balance. He shows how to keep confidences of those around you with a balance of inner and outer perceptions. Bobcat aids in tapping into the curiosity of the unseen world of secrecy, invisibility and hidden meanings for understanding spiritual mysteries of the path that is being traveled. Bobcat will offer protection and expertise of this path and lend its knowledge in maneuvering your developing natural internal power. Bobcat teaches the ability of being able to turn on/off creative forces in life. Always look for what is hidden on all levels and trust your senses for bobcat medicine is a powerful one with lessons on many levels.
Buffalo - Bison
Abundance, incorporates our own efforts to embrace and hold life, burdens and rewards are carried, keep self well grounded, follow the easiest path, don't use force in areas of life, flow with it. Teaches creativity, courage, sacred knowledge, sharing with a sense of community, survival strategies, teaches how to challenge with forthrightness and grace. A time to honor your path and ask for assistance from Spirit. Buffalo teaches abundance and strength of character along with harmony and expression of gratitude and honor for all creatures. Do you have gratitude? Strength? Surviving with courage?
Fertility of thoughts, ideas, possessions, makes the mundane and earthy more fertile, new ideas need to be expressed, teaches stability without stubbornness, assert feminine energies for balance. May demonstrate the necessity for a balance diet. Are you being forthright in your intentions? Are you willing to stand your ground in life matters? Bull can give us skills needed for expressions of strength.
Caribou teaches endurance, strength, fortitude and perseverance in going the distance. He will teach the power of adaptability in adversity, caution in surroundings and tenacity to get things accomplished. Caribou will show how to take on the roles of duality, the male and female qualities that you possess. Is it time to take a more dominating role in life and work or perhaps a softer subtler stance in situations? Caribou will also aid in spiritual transitions, communication and social abilities and skills. Caribou will show how to keep moving onward and flowing with the group. Caribou is about movement and finding your inner peace and your place as you walk through life.
Magic, independence, clever, unpredictable, balance of energies and actions in life, mysteries will unfold in life if a cat has come around. Cat shows how to clarify perceptions which allows new ideas to manifest, encourages mental and emotional agility, aids in being resourceful and stealthy tactics, teaches courage and confidence. Do you need to be more independent? Are you using your resources the best of your ability? Is it time to start a new project? Cat will show how to continue the process of opening your intuition for soul growth.
Looking after others and being generous with your time and space, are a couple common traits for Coatimundi. Are you balancing your needs with the needs of those around you? Specifically with family?
With keen senses in full use, foraging the necessities of life comes much easier, in turn also leading one to the finding of wisdom in unexpected places and perhaps the uncanny ability to "sniff out" the truth. Are you remembering to trust your instinct in finding what is hidden from the eyes?
Being highly adaptable, integration and assimilation become a part of physical play, as well as a wonderful inner resource when accepting the imposing presence of others. Coatimundi will teach you how to cleverly reach your needs through the adaptation of your environment while reminding you that it's always okay to stop and play.
With keen senses in full use, foraging the necessities of life comes much easier, in turn also leading one to the finding of wisdom in unexpected places and perhaps the uncanny ability to "sniff out" the truth. Are you remembering to trust your instinct in finding what is hidden from the eyes?
Being highly adaptable, integration and assimilation become a part of physical play, as well as a wonderful inner resource when accepting the imposing presence of others. Coatimundi will teach you how to cleverly reach your needs through the adaptation of your environment while reminding you that it's always okay to stop and play.
Cougar-Puma-Mountain Lion
Assertion of growth, take charge, be strong, come unto your own power, defending yourself when needed, teaches how to leap into opportunities, helps balance when to be gentle and when to assert your energy more forcefully. Cougar teaches strength and grace, responsibilities and balanced leadership. Are you taking on enough responsibilities? Are you empowering your life the best way you can? Is it time to go forward? Cougar will assist in these lessons.
Cows can teach us about the home and community and the joy, contentment therein. Cows aid us in realizing to be easy going and live in the moment. They show us about love and connections at work and home. Cow also may demonstrate how to eat properly. Are eating enough fruits and vegetables? Are you happy at home? Cow can teach how to make those changes that are needed to balance to the joy in your surroundings.
Wisdom, jokester, having fun, stimulates cooperation and tasks, adaptations, balances knowledge and laughter into teaching, shows us how to learn from our mistakes with wisdom and a sense of humor, sense of family and children, demonstrating and communicating along with balancing risk and safety, trust and connection to the Spirit to find answers. Are you taking yourself too seriously? Too uptight and stressed? Are you trusting enough right now? Coyote will teach resourcefulness and adapting to new situations and how humor can be a useful tool in any situation.
Power of gentleness, love, alertness, camouflage, balance and alertness, attention to subtler outside influences, ability to listen, attention, shows how to walk gracefully and carefully, connections to children and people for best interests of all, vision, hearing, smell, helps discern what actions to be done. Teaches empathy for others, soft direction and leadership abilities. Are you awakening to your own innocence? Are you listening to your inner child? Deer walks softly and gracefully. Are you ready for new opportunities that will reflect this gentle love to others?
Protection, companionship, faithfulness, warnings. Dog is a symbol of friendship and the unconditional ability to love and accept. They exhibit loyalty and are fierce protectors when needed. Examine the type of dog and what it says about you. What behaviors do you have or would like to have of the dog? Are you showing compassion for others? Are you a good companion and protector balanced with playfulness and joy? Are you serving humanity in the best way you can? Dog can teach you strength in the above qualities. (Also see Wolf)
Donkey - Ass
Ass or Donkey can teach much about patience and humility. They have wisdom and teaches when to use it with timing. Ass' aids in realizing outer recognition of inner potentials and the strength that comes from internal fortitude. He can aid in showing one how to move with the flow and allow Spirit to work and/or trusting your strengths. It is a time to not be content and complacent while you enjoy the road to the goal. Are you working too hard and not being productive? Are you following your intuition in what you "should do". Is stubbornness hindering you mentally, emotionally and spiritually? Ass will teach you how to listen to your head and heart.
Wisdom and power, strength, warrior, excellent memory, poor eyesight, relies on smell (higher form of discrimination), aroma therapy may help clear of ills and ease tensions, reclaim family ideals and strengthen the connection with family members and shows how to care for the young and the elderly. Are you applying your wisdom to help others at this time? Are you discerning and aware? Maybe it is time for a family outing to ease the tensions and stresses of everyday life? Elephant can teach this balance of family and occupation.
Nobility, about to hit your stride in life, don't give up, have endurance for the long run, don't neglect the need to relate to others, adjustment of diet needs to be made to have strong energy levels. Elk teaches you don't need to walk the path alone, you have much wise help from Spirit. Are you pacing yourself accordingly? Do you want immediate results? Elk teaches patience in reaching your goals and aspirations. Have you simply asked for help? Elk will show you how to adapt to this stage in your life.
Strength, energy, ingenuity and stealth. Curious, mischievous, high-energy. Ferret people are often playful spirits with a calculating mind. Ferret medicine teaches resourcefulness, self-reliance, and ingenuity.
Ferrets are opportunists. They will steal anything that they can drag away hiding it in a safe place to be used at a later date. Intelligent and crafty, this little animal teaches us how to use our ingenuity to create a safe haven for ourselves. They remind us to stock up on necessary provisions that might be needed. Always well prepared for any situation that might appear, the ferret is a helpful ally in times of hardship.
Extremely focused on what is in front of them, ferret reminds us to stay centered on our goals to reach a desired outcome. Ferrets hold the power of observation. Its intuition is sharp and its sensitivity acute. Ferret has the ability to see and know the hidden meaning behind all things and can assist those with this medicine in understanding themselves, their lives and the experiences they have more clearly.
Those with this totem need to remember to use all of their senses equally. If this medicine is undeveloped, the tendency towards tunnel vision is common. Rigid consciousness creates unnecessary worry and anxiety, so caution is advised. Playful activities and a lighthearted attitude is helpful.
The ferret does not feel completely safe until it has burrowed deep inside its tunnel. In man, this symbolizes a need for a secure home life. A place for reflection and nourishment is mandatory for those with this totem.
Always remember that the ferret is a powerful ally and can help you discover a hidden part of yourself. Buried deep beneath the surface are the answers to life’s mysteries.
Ferrets are opportunists. They will steal anything that they can drag away hiding it in a safe place to be used at a later date. Intelligent and crafty, this little animal teaches us how to use our ingenuity to create a safe haven for ourselves. They remind us to stock up on necessary provisions that might be needed. Always well prepared for any situation that might appear, the ferret is a helpful ally in times of hardship.
Extremely focused on what is in front of them, ferret reminds us to stay centered on our goals to reach a desired outcome. Ferrets hold the power of observation. Its intuition is sharp and its sensitivity acute. Ferret has the ability to see and know the hidden meaning behind all things and can assist those with this medicine in understanding themselves, their lives and the experiences they have more clearly.
Those with this totem need to remember to use all of their senses equally. If this medicine is undeveloped, the tendency towards tunnel vision is common. Rigid consciousness creates unnecessary worry and anxiety, so caution is advised. Playful activities and a lighthearted attitude is helpful.
The ferret does not feel completely safe until it has burrowed deep inside its tunnel. In man, this symbolizes a need for a secure home life. A place for reflection and nourishment is mandatory for those with this totem.
Always remember that the ferret is a powerful ally and can help you discover a hidden part of yourself. Buried deep beneath the surface are the answers to life’s mysteries.
Skilled and ingenious, cunning, a new world and creative process opening up, look in between yourself and others (physically, mentally, spiritually), teaches gentleness, swiftness and persistence, courage, power of observation, good eating habits and taking care of health concerns, shift awareness to feminine energies for balance. Fox can teach you how to walk in both worlds and in between since he is the master of camouflage and shape-shifting and walking the spaces in between. Are you in harmony with your surroundings? Blending in with others? It is a time to be careful and discriminating, aware of your communication abilities, and to be alert to your surroundings. Fox teaches how to be still and silent and all the qualities of patience.
The neck is the bridge between the realms, farsightedness to see beyond, expression and communication through body language, family ties. Teaches balance of sky and earth, care in what you say and how you take others opinions. One has strong relationships and inner perceptions. Are you becoming complacent and lose track of your goals? Are you setting your sights ahead for the future?
Goat teaches climbing ability and agility along with independence and surefootedness. He shows the importance of supporting others as you move and being flexible in exploring new possibilities. Goat aids to establish foundations in which to stand and will guide in building a stronger foundation if need be. He wants to make sure what is before us is strong before the next lessons begin. Goat prepares for moves in life and teaches how to seek new heights in spiritual, mental and emotional areas so one can achieve the best future by looking up and forward. Do you feel stuck and lost? Goat will show direction in which to move. Is it time to finally put forth your independence and strength? Look within to find the answers and allow Goat to lead you where you need to be. Trust the sure foot of Goat's wisdom.
Gopher medicine will teach how to attune oneself to spiritual and physical vibrations and sensations. He teaches abilities of listening and feeling and heightens intuition and shows direction with innate instincts. Gopher shows the skill of uncovering hidden truths and meanings and all the lies beneath a situation. Gopher will show timing in which path to take of the many choices available and how those choices are interconnected. Is it time to "dig" with a sense of purpose and direction? Perhaps it is time to utilize your resources that you have before you - because you've been prepared better than you realize. Gopher shows how to maneuver with purpose and keep the balance of instincts in tune the heartbeat of the earth. Pay attention to the movement and follow Gopher's wisdom for deeper truths await.
Gorilla demonstrates a gentle yet firm strength. He teaches balance between passive and aggressive. He shows the art of communication and social interactions with family. Gorilla teaches the skill of listening to subtle frequencies; intuition and clairaudience. Listen to your hunches. Are you being too protective or not protective enough? Gorilla can show how to take on leadership roles and bring out the nobility within and to expand responsibilities to gain respect. He will show the power of dignity and honorable behavior. Gorilla medicine is pairing an understanding of compassion with respect and temperance.
Groundhog - Woodchuck
One gets deep into areas of interests, building, studying and working for 2 years will show results. Dream time and altered states heightened, death and dying upon rebirthing, metabolic control. Is it time to awaken to your possibilities, dreams and ideas? Groundhog teaches tenacity and how to burrow within any area to fully engage in its experience. He teaches how to create boundaries and make them known, how to cleanse areas of life, and to bury the past and all things that no longer serve your purpose. Are you balancing the mind and heart, the spiritual and the physical, the mental and emotional? Groundhog/Woodchuck will guide in this skill and teach how to use your resources wisely and efficiently and will walk you through the rebirthing of awareness.
Hedgehog teaches defense mechanisms against negativity along with showing how to enjoy life and to walk the earth with a sense of lightness and a sense of wonder. Hedgehog shows when to act with tenacity and strength to get things accomplished. He can aid in balancing emotions with actions while lending wisdom when to work and play. Are you taking opportunities that could make you happy? Are you letting people bring you down? Hedgehog can show you to be confident and move with strength.
Travel, power, spiritual and physical stamina, freedom, persuasiveness, increase clairvoyance, awareness of cooperation and communication abilities, time to move on if you feel stuck, teaches how to go in new directions with freedom and the power to face life and overcoming obstacles with grace. Your journey will take you in new directions. Horse teaches the power to allow and awaken your freedom in movement and will clarify the path in which to take. Do you need to break from current confinements and restrictions? Pay attention to what the individual breed is saying to you.
Instincts are heightened when Hyena appears. She shows how to relate to others and when to use your "teeth" in situations. She will help balance the power of ferocity with a caring. Is it time to be strong and stand up? What you do and say is heightened with Hyena medicine. Truth need to be said? Large projects and endeavors may best be done in groups so cooperation is key. Are you part of the team? She gives lessons in discrimination and discernment so listen carefully to your instincts, intuition and perceptions. Family is emphasized. Is it time to hunt or relax? Hyena shows how to adapt to any situation by singing your own song of internal strength and power.
Jaguar enhances spiritual and psychic vision with a keen sense of awareness, pinpointing strong intuitional abilities. Jaguar shows how to embrace the gifts of the Spirit with composure, tenacity, fortitude with a complete integration of lessons learned and applying them in daily life. Are you integrating ideas and thoughts like you should? Jaguar will aid in this transition of self-actualization. He shows how to move silently, stealthily knowing when and how to react, shows empowerment, teaches how to maneuver and understand things unseen. He cuts through the illusion of separation and shows how the hurtful lessons of the past can be transformed into a higher clarity of purpose with a higher sense of self and connectedness. Jaguar's wisdom will show clarity in the chaos in the soul process of integration and shifting perspectives with balance and grace.
Teaches us to examine our life's lessons, utilizes surrounding resources, shows us free thinking and demonstrates courage, solitary in nature with population booms. Lemming teaches how to balance and manage our personal time with others. Is it time to be alone for introspection? Are you utilizing those around you? Are you following others? Maybe it's time to think for yourself and voice your opinion?
Silent, inconspicuous, strong intuitive abilities (inner instincts), overcoming haunts of the past, renewal of vision, helps in strength of inner demons, leaps about to be made spiritually, mentally and physically. Aids in overall sensitivities, communication abilities and movement in dream world and the unconscious realms. Are you listening carefully of the world within and around you? Leopard teaches the nuance of hearing your heart and intuitions and when and how to react.
Leadership, truth, nobility and power balance the playful and calm serenity of Lion. He will teach how to strengthen your spirit and resolve. A quiet demeanor is balanced with a fierceness especially when family is concerned. He shows that rest is needed before continuing. Are you misappropriating your time and energy? Listen to the actions of Lion for he will show if it is time to relax and destress your mind, body and spirit. Respect, grace, stealth, focus, knowledge - Lion medicine is about timing or your personal power. Increased community responsibilities and cooperation, cunningness, fearlessness and expert timing are lessons that Lion teaches. Lion aids in recognizing and understanding your own noble and regal attitudes. Are you taking on the characteristics of a male lion or a lioness?
Secrets of hidden and the unseen, ability to see lies and falsehoods, teaches inner workings of others, keen sight, careful not to break confidences, people may become uncomfortable around you, trust intuitions teaches ability to access secrets, mysteries and hidden aspects of yourself. Lynx teaches awareness and insights of thoughts, dreams and visions. Lynx also teaches to be take care in breaking confidences and the trusts of others, there must be a balance with this conscious knowing. Are keeping quiet when you need to express? or vice versa? Be aware and observe your discoveries.
Mink shows how to walk in the spiritual and physical world with joy and playfulness along with a balance of fighting for just cause. He teaches attention to intuition and timing, keen senses, awareness and how to move in the emotional waters balanced with the mental world. Mink aids in understanding the nocturnal realm of dreams, visions and hidden knowledge. He will teach how to remain within, a quiet solitude of personal space for contemplation. Are you completing a life cycle, something that you started long ago? Mink will aid in this returning with understanding and compassion. Perhaps you are ready for a move? Mink will also guide in this direction and will last approximately 2-3 weeks. Allow Mink's wisdom to show you the power of adaptability and balance.
Teaches expression of nature and sensitivity one surroundings, alertness and awareness of what is happening around you, aids in self-introspection. shows how to find hidden parts of your spiritual being, teaches to listen and feel carefully while using intuition. Mole teaches lessons of grounding and working toward a goal. Are you truly listening to others and circumstances? Listen beyond the obvious, trust your intuition on this. Are you eating right?
Monkey teaches the balance of dark and light, he brings awareness the darker side of oneself, aids in seeing both sides of all communication methods. Are you showing your creativity at this time? Is it time to examine an ancient wisdom you just encountered? Monkey ignites the inspiration and imagination from the deep recesses of the self and mind and teaches how to move within/without, above and below.
Magic of life and death, sacred energy is opened, camouflage self, conceal ideas/thoughts/actions until the appropriate time, life is awakening and moose will acknowledge the truths that are needed by your spirit. Aids in moving emotions for awareness, teaches strength, wisdom and patience. Moose gives you the ability to move swiftly but silently with wisdom. Are you being gentle with yourself? Do you need to more graceful and humble or speak up more? Moose will show you balance along with how strength can be found in gentleness and how to deal with situations.
Mountain Lion-Puma-Cougar
Assertion of growth, take charge, be strong, come unto your own power, defending yourself when needed, teaches how to leap into opportunities, helps balance when to be gentle and when to assert your energy more forcefully. Cougar teaches strength and grace, responsibilities and balanced leadership. Are you taking on enough responsibilities? Are you empowering your life the best way you can? Is it time to go forward? Cougar will assist in these lessons.
Attention to details and examining closely, fastidious, may be getting too locked into details or may need to see them more closely now, need to focus on where your attention is. Are you too quiet or too loud? Mouse can teach lessons of stealth and invisibility for sometimes great strength lies within quietness. Time to be aware of new discoveries and possibilities. Listen to your introspection and intuition.
Opossum teaches the lesson of using and enhancing appearances and deceptions and illusions. He also aids in resting when needed (playing dead), and the art to act or behave in strategic manner as appearing to be fearful or fearless in spite of true feelings. Opossum gives courage to pretend for a while in order to cope with mental and spiritual constructs. He teaches wisdom and sensibility and knows when to fight if needed. Is it time to fight for things or to rest?
Symbol for ferocity, valor, time to put to use psychic, mental, physical, spiritual muscles. Strong hearing of other realms, may become sensitive to touch, past suffering will return to transform and so you can confront it, teaches understanding of transformation and agility in reclaiming one's power and prowess. Are you listening carefully of the world within and around you? Panther teaches the nuance of hearing your heart and intuitions.
Pig teaches spiritual strength, protection and the mysteries of nature. Aids in getting organized and solidifying changes. Shows self-reliance, independence and fearlessness in trials and tribulations. Are you too scattered in thoughts and actions? Do you need to stand up for your beliefs and opinions? Are you using your intuition throughout the day? Pig can teach power and respect in the balance of complacency and activity. Pig is resourceful and will teach the lessons to uncover what is needed. Pig medicine can show the power of transformation and quick change of direction may be needed in different aspects of your life.
Polar Bear
Polar Bear deals with death, birth and transformation of a mystical quality, teaches strength in adversity and endurance in situations, ability for sustenance and endurance through introspection and solitude, can show how to tap into emotions with clarity. Polar Bear teaches how to be aggressive and forthright to achieve your dreams and empower your thoughts and ideals. He demonstrates the power of observation and movement with perfect timing. Are you conserving your strength and energy and/or putting it to good use? Polar Bear Spirit teaches this balance for survival as you are guided to walk in light and truth at this time. He will teach how to walk on the "ice" of life with grace and a lightness.
Good natured, reminder of innocence, sense of wonder, trusting in Spirit, curious, cautious, boldness in actions and words, have recreation time for yourself. Aids in showing where boundaries are and how to protect them . A re you aggravating someone or they irritating you? Barbs of resistance. Porcupine teaches strength and kindness and faith and trust and ushers in imagination and joy.
Prairie Dog
Prairie Dog demonstrates a sense of community and family, a caretaker of everyone in cooperative environment. He shows how to create meaningful bonds and make those long-lost connections to loved ones. Is there someone you need to contact? Prairie Dog teaches about diet and the importance of the balance of vegetables and regular quantities for health inducing activities. He will aid in examining one's own social ability: enough or too much?. Prairie Dogs aid in expressing feelings, communication, and meaningful expressions. He makes you aware of current responsibilities; those that you may be neglecting and those that need less attention. It is time to look deeply into aspects in of your life and discover what truly matters.
Heightened psychic ability, may need to insulate ourself or come out of hiding, adaptability with strong survival skills, strong sense of smell, new opportunities can be seen, teaches how to overcome obstacles with a swift and gentle nature. Antelope teaches listening to intuition. Are you adapting like you should? Taking chances or afraid of failing? Are you listening to your instincts? Antelope can teach you strength and courage in all areas.
Puma-Cougar-Mountain Lion
Assertion of growth, take charge, be strong, come unto your own power, defending yourself when needed, teaches how to leap into opportunities, helps balance when to be gentle and when to assert your energy more forcefully. Cougar teaches strength and grace, responsibilities and balanced leadership. Are you taking on enough responsibilities? Are you empowering your life the best way you can? Is it time to go forward? Cougar will assist in these lessons.
Movement in life, fertility, sensitive, artistic, plan for possibilities, check what is in motion now, move carefully in work or play, allows for taking advantage of brief chances available. Is it time to observe and watch or time to make leaps? Rabbit can teach you how to plan and helps in setting them in motion. How are you eating habits? Perhaps you need to increase your vegetable intake? Rabbit is a joy so enjoy the movement at this time.
Dexterity, cleanliness, disguise, explorers, curious, secrecy helps the new transformations take place, balances curiosity with caution, be courageous and self-defensive when need to be, lends a sense of socializing and the ability to see the nature of illusions and masks. Raccoon will show how to transform yourself and bring to awareness how you act differently with the various people you encounter each day.
Rats are social animals that are highly adaptable and expert survivalists. They drive for success maybe too hard or not hard enough, if restless with others it helps to become more adaptable to them and the situations. Rat medicine will teach how to be resourceful in the midst of environmental and emotional changes. He will give strength and trust in the process of current changes and lend security in overcoming worldly ideals. Have you accumulated too much mental and emotional baggage? Rat will aid in examining what is not needed any longer and allow truth to come forth in the midst of worldly illusions. Is it time to let go of thoughts, ideals, perceptions or people and places? Rat medicine will instill self assurance and transform fear into abundance. There is much wisdom in how Rat moves, watch and listen.
Seeking new beginnings, power, strength, agility, great mental activity, curious and imaginative, energy to act upon the mental faculties, trust ability to land safely as new endeavors are made, balance as you climb. It's time to become more sensitive to others, increase intellectual and mental pursuits. Ram teaches to act quickly when opportunities arise and they may be suddenly, don't hesitate. Be like Ram.
Reindeer teaches endurance, strength, fortitude and perseverance in going the distance. He will teach the power of adaptability in adversity, caution in surroundings and tenacity to get things accomplished. Reindeer will show how to take on the roles of duality, the male and female qualities that you possess. Is it time to take a more dominating role in life and work or perhaps a softer subtler stance in situations? Reindeer/Caribou will also aid in spiritual transitions, communication and social abilities and skills. Caribou will show how to keep moving onward and flowing with the group. Reindeer/Caribou is about movement and finding your inner peace and your place as you walk through life.
Wisdom, past life connections, ancient connections, brings energy in for one's own solitude, spiritual idealism, high sensitivity to feelings and smell. Rhino spans an assimilation of 17-18 months will arise new opportunities on all levels. He helps show you the wisdom of life and the innate wisdom to apply it at present time. Rhino's are very thick skinned creatures which can teach how to be tough to against comments, rejections and overall pain. Rhino will show the balance of being open to life but keeping protected as well. He aids in personal power and heightening intuition in which will aid in sharpening your instincts for discrimination and discernment. Do you prefer to work alone? Maybe it's time to work with others? Or vice versa? How are you handling others? Are you trusting you instincts at this time? Rhino will show you these key areas to work on for his wisdom is great.
Sheep can show how to maintain balance and have confidence in situations and abilities, teaches how to move in the physical with agility, camouflage and blending with surroundings, teaches a sense of togetherness and community along with showing how to make life easy and promote serenity. Sheep instills a sense of protection and alertness with peace of mind and heart. Are you moving in the direction you should be going? Are going with or against what you know to be true? Are you protecting yourself enough and/or remaining centered in peace? Sheep wisdom can help in understanding your place and perceptions within the scheme of things
Respectful, playful, sensual, respect and demands respect, takes own time, steady with efforts, fragrances can elicit responses with those who associate with skunk medicine (aroma therapy), an ability to attract people will start to develop, teaches will power, enhances self confidence and self respect, an awareness of when to move and adapt along with understanding the flow of energy, teaches to pay attention to senses and intuitions. People will naturally notice you. Skunk awakens, activates and amplifies your internal energy. Helps open up wisdom to the mystical. Are you asserting the qualities mentioned above? Skunk teaches fearless with peacefulness and a balance in the ebb and flow and life. What you do emanates outward.
Activity, gathering and preparedness, awareness, sociable, playful, people should do rather than watch, be active in life, are you planning for the future: time, money, energy? Gathering and not giving? It's time to cleanse emotional and mental clutter. Teaches to balance your energy, activate your resources, see from another perspective, balance and power of giving and receiving, aids in discerning when to rest and being active. Are you making time for play? Active enough? Using your voice properly? Are you trying to do too many things at once? Squirrel teaches the balance of activity and play and reorganizing the inner self.
Steer - Bull
Fertility of thoughts, ideas, possessions, makes the mundane and earthy more fertile, new ideas need to be expressed, teaches stability. May demonstrate the necessity for a balance diet. Are you being forthright in your intentions? Are you willing to stand your ground in life matters? Steers can give us skills needed for expressions of strength. Is it time to make life changing decisions? Time to cut old thoughts, perceptions, habits or people from your life? Steer will teach how to adapt and make any changes you are needing to make.
Power, devotion, tactful, skillful, expect new adventures, examine what is happening to you in life. Are you expressing your passion appropriately? A new sense of new direction is opening up so expect new adventures on your journey with Tiger. You are awakening to a new passion and power within, self confidence, discernment along with increased healing abilities. Tiger can teach the gentle art of going with the flow with patience and diligence.
Teaches expression of nature and sensitivity one surroundings, alertness and awareness of what is happening around you, teaches to listen and feel carefully while using intuition. Voles can teach you lessons of destruction and rebirth. What needs to change in your life? Vole will show you how to make those changes. Are sinking your teeth into your endeavors? Vole teaches how to grab ideas and thoughts to make them productive by using creativity and tenacity.
Sly and stealthy, shows dietary strengths/weaknesses, ability to get out of tight spots and situations, loners, can sniff out what is hidden and show how to determine things that are hidden, attacks verbally, observation skills and keen sense of discernment. Are you listening carefully? Time to dig deeper? Weasel teaches intelligence and the power of observation along with discretion to avoid trouble. Time to trust you instincts and pursue you goals.
Woodchuck (Groundhog)
One gets deep into areas of interests, building, studying and working for 2 years will show results. Dream time and altered states heightened, death and dying upon rebirthing, metabolic control. Is it time to awaken to your possibilities, dreams and ideas? Groundhog teaches tenacity and how to burrow within any area to fully engage in its experience. He teaches how to create boundaries and make them known, how to cleanse areas of life, and to bury the past and all things that no longer serve your purpose. Are you balancing the mind and heart, the spiritual and the physical, the mental and emotional? Groundhog/Woodchuck will guide in this skill and teach how to use your resources wisely and efficiently and will walk you through the rebirthing of awareness.
Royalty, spirit, strength, friendly, family, sociable, intelligent, ritualistic in nature (applies to all of life), balances flexibility to establish harmony and order in life, new paths and journeys, freedom to move within the realms of insights and attachments. Teaches able to be steadfast, familial protection, Epitome of the wild spirit. Wolf guides the use of resources and the lesson of adaptability along with teaching and instruction. Wolf helps to tap into inner strength and intuition. Sometimes transformation accompanies Wolf's lessons. Are you using your resources wisely for the greater good? Are you nourishing your family and those around you? Are you listening to your instincts to avoid confrontations? Wolf will add in balancing harmony and wisdom to take control of your life.