For now this section mostly contains pictures of my own Book of Shadows. If there is an interest shown in more Book of Shadows ideas than I will be happy to start collecting and sharing more as it's found or shared with me. If anyone has any questions about making their own Book of Shadows please feel free to message me any time and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

"What is a Book of Shadows?"
To me, a Book of Shadows is a photo album, sketch book, and journal of one's own spiritual growth and experiences. It is a book that contains the expressions and findings, felt and found, that have helped me in some manner on my journey.
I have had some people tell me it can only be written (by hand), with no pictures at all, and I've heard of many BoS's that were made much more like scrapbooks with text and images cut and pasted into them. I say, it's a personal experience and there is truly no wrong way to do it.
To me, a Book of Shadows is a photo album, sketch book, and journal of one's own spiritual growth and experiences. It is a book that contains the expressions and findings, felt and found, that have helped me in some manner on my journey.
I have had some people tell me it can only be written (by hand), with no pictures at all, and I've heard of many BoS's that were made much more like scrapbooks with text and images cut and pasted into them. I say, it's a personal experience and there is truly no wrong way to do it.

"Why have/make/keep a Book of Shadows?"
For me making my own book of shadows started off as a personal experience. Something I wanted to store information in to refer back to like a study book. I have since added many things that I'll cover more closely in a moment. In some ways my Book is my friend. I share with it thoughts and dreams by writing or drawing them into the pages. I share the things I am learning as I'm learning them, using those notes and thoughts later to see how far I've come and how much my own perceptions have changed over the years.
There are a great number of reasons to make a your own Book of Shadows. Some do it so they have something both physical and spiritual to share with children and grandchildren later on in life. A way of passing on and adding to traditions over the years. Some do it for their own personal reference. As a way of storing information, spells, experiences, or anything else that tickles their Soul. I have heard of many that write their Book out as a journal and only keep in it their personal experiences with spell and energy workings.
For me making my own book of shadows started off as a personal experience. Something I wanted to store information in to refer back to like a study book. I have since added many things that I'll cover more closely in a moment. In some ways my Book is my friend. I share with it thoughts and dreams by writing or drawing them into the pages. I share the things I am learning as I'm learning them, using those notes and thoughts later to see how far I've come and how much my own perceptions have changed over the years.
There are a great number of reasons to make a your own Book of Shadows. Some do it so they have something both physical and spiritual to share with children and grandchildren later on in life. A way of passing on and adding to traditions over the years. Some do it for their own personal reference. As a way of storing information, spells, experiences, or anything else that tickles their Soul. I have heard of many that write their Book out as a journal and only keep in it their personal experiences with spell and energy workings.

"What sort of stuff do I put in a Book of Shadows?"
This is another one of those wonderful things that changes from person to person. In my Book I have a collection of information on crystals and gems and their different healing and other properties. I also have written in information on herbs for both medicinal and magical uses. As well as information on how to grow and sometimes even how to prepare those herbs and other plants. I have a growing section on chakras and runes as I learn more about them. I have a collection of spells, and meditation techniques. Through out my book I have also written down a variety of quotes that I have found uplifting or thought provoking. Randomly through my book so far there has also been a lot of my own artwork since art is one of the ways I like to express myself. I am adding stories and thoughts shared with me by my daughter as she grows about the dreams that she has and the things she sees. I am very eclectic therefore my Book is also very eclectic. This will vary person to person, so please by all means...lol...make it personal.
This is another one of those wonderful things that changes from person to person. In my Book I have a collection of information on crystals and gems and their different healing and other properties. I also have written in information on herbs for both medicinal and magical uses. As well as information on how to grow and sometimes even how to prepare those herbs and other plants. I have a growing section on chakras and runes as I learn more about them. I have a collection of spells, and meditation techniques. Through out my book I have also written down a variety of quotes that I have found uplifting or thought provoking. Randomly through my book so far there has also been a lot of my own artwork since art is one of the ways I like to express myself. I am adding stories and thoughts shared with me by my daughter as she grows about the dreams that she has and the things she sees. I am very eclectic therefore my Book is also very eclectic. This will vary person to person, so please by all means...lol...make it personal.

"Does my Book of Shadows have to be hand written?"
There are some out there that will tell you yes absolutely, everything must be written in your own pen. Personally, I don't think this to be true. I do, however, agree that it makes it a more personal experience when you hand scribe the spells, or mental/spiritual pearls that I have found. I do also have some pages where I have printed out information or pictures added. I do not feel that having those printed pages takes anything away from my book, but rather it shows that I am open to the wisdom of others. I have heard that you are never ever to put the name of another into your BoS. This belief stems from the days of the witch trials when the books would be found and used as ways of finding other witches to "put on trial". In my book when I find a quote, spell or story that I want to write in, I will more often than not put "unknown author" out of respect to those who have lost their lives during the trials, and to those who still hold to the tradition of not sharing names.
There are some out there that will tell you yes absolutely, everything must be written in your own pen. Personally, I don't think this to be true. I do, however, agree that it makes it a more personal experience when you hand scribe the spells, or mental/spiritual pearls that I have found. I do also have some pages where I have printed out information or pictures added. I do not feel that having those printed pages takes anything away from my book, but rather it shows that I am open to the wisdom of others. I have heard that you are never ever to put the name of another into your BoS. This belief stems from the days of the witch trials when the books would be found and used as ways of finding other witches to "put on trial". In my book when I find a quote, spell or story that I want to write in, I will more often than not put "unknown author" out of respect to those who have lost their lives during the trials, and to those who still hold to the tradition of not sharing names.